Monday, March 2, 2009

Random Quote Mondays

And now for another "Random Quote":

We have strong prevailing southwesterly winds,
fifty-two percent of our days are overcast,
so as a nation we're infused with a wistful melancholy...
but we remain a relentlessly chipper population,
prone to mild eccentricity,
binge drinking
casual violence.
Breakfast is served seven till nine...
and not a minute later!

Yes, I did write it out like that on purpose. *grins* It amused me!

If anyone other than 'Drew knows what this is from, I will give them hugs. HUGS!

Hugs are good. :)


Anonymous said...

Hugs are necessary for a vital, loving, online relationship. :D *squishy hugs back*

Nyxmyst said...

Bill Bailey, I do believe.

Do I get a cookie?

Fire said...

I'm having a crap day, can't you just give me the hugs? *looks at Tempy with pathetic puppy-dog eyes

Tempestuous said...

OHMIGOD! *glomps Nyx and smothers her in Magical Cookieness!, beams* I'm so proud of you!

*grins, drags phoenix into the Drew hug, cuz his hugs really are fantabulous, purrrrrs!*

sapphire said...

"What's the religion? 72% Christian, there's been Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Sikhism. But we are quite secularized as a society and when pushed most people will write: Jedi."

I'm late, but may I have a hug anyway? you know I can't do the blog thing with the husband about. (Even if I cheated and used google? Hey! can we use google on our lab midterm? *phail*)

sapphire said...

oh,and your blog comes up fourth on the list on google for that quote. scary. creepy little web spiders.

Tempestuous said...

It's just because I's speeeeeeeeeeeeeecial! *beams* Google loves me. :D

Divine Chaos said...

We have no natural predators, although a badger will give you a nasty nip, four hedgehogs feeding on honey might fall on your eyes! or a whasp could fly in your mouth on a summers afternoon, sting your botom lip, which swells right up, you try to phone up work; making a 'ergh, ergh!' sound, she thinks your a pervert, you get arested, get sent to a secret Mars pinile collony! but in time gain the support of the workers and eventualy throw off the shackles of repression!
...and on the upside, we've got little chefs! which were built many years ago on lay lines, and then the roads just came along and connected them all up. There's alot of positive energy in the tea cakes...
And if it all goes horribly wrong we've always got Argos...with 'the laminated book of dreams'... to catch the tears of joy!
Our crops are um... peas, cabbage, sunny delight, spam, woffles, shortbread, marmite... um I dunno... But we won't have any Geneticaly modified food! NO GM! oh no...or Euros!!
And the religion is... um well that's a tricky one...well its 72% christian, there's hidduism, muslimism, buddisim, quite a few others... but as a community we're very seculised, so when pushed most people will simply write, 'Jedi'...

Divine Chaos said...

*blinks innocently*

Tempestuous said...

*giggles!!!! GLOMPS da ET and molestificates her aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall over da place*

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