Failure is the path of lease persistence. (<= I'm pretty sure they meant least! *hehe*)
Fearless courage is the foundation of victory.
Fearless courage is the foundation of victory.
... strange combination of fortunes, but they were the first two I found when I reached way down, deeeeeeeeeeeeeeep deep down into my pocketbook. The big one. The one my brother stuffs things into whenever I carry it and I'm not paying enough attention to what he's doing and then later I wonder why the damn thing went from weighing four pounds to seventeen...
there's nothing wrong with the path of least resistence, it takes less effort. Some call it laziness, I call it easygoing
Ermm... 'in bed' doesnt really work on the first one that well. Meh!
Sure it does..."Failure in bed is the path of lease persistence.
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