Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Blog of Morality...

And now it's time for another installment of the Blog of Morality!

Me: Hey chicklets it's that time again --
Myself: to run around naked in the rain?
I: to 'accidentally' cut the brake lines on my math teachers car?
Me: *eyes I* NO. It's time to learn todays lesson. *tugs the huge Blog out from behind the firewall*
Myself: Oh lord you're going to chant again aren't you...
Me: *smirks* Yes, but not about typing, I fixed the Blog so that it's a big spinning wheel so my chanting won't be quite as bad.
I: HA!
Me: *glares, gives the wheel a good spin and starts chanting* Blog of Morality, turn, turn, turn... Tell us the lesson that we should learn!
I: *mutters* I hope it's better than last weeks...
Me: Moral number three! And the moral of today is: Live life without restraint, unless you're into bondage - then by all means, use restraints.
Myself: That sounds so familiar somehow...
I: ...probably because you're a slut?
Myself: ... Who told?!
Me: We now return you to your regularly scheduled Wednesday. Again.

{Eventually the insanity will start to get to you... but by then you'll be addicted. MWUhahahahaha!}


Fire said...

Ummm do you often talk to yourself....and answer? *backs away slowly*

Tempestuous said...

I have whole multi-sided conversations! :D

... you should be more worried about the conversations I have with my cats. There's often singing involved in -that-...

Fire said...

Oh well cats are different...they understand. Ah well at least you're never lonely..

Tempestuous said...

Gosh it'd be nice to be lonely sometimes. I live with two irritating bastards -- er, bachelors ... *fixes halo again* I'm rarely lonely (and rarely have privacy unless I threaten manly things like farting at them and stuff).

Fire said...

First of all it's futile to keep fixing that halo, once it's crooked it stays that way...not that I'd know personally, I just heard that somewhere.

Secondly TWO men, my condolences. That definitely puts you in the category of masochist. I still maintain that cats are different, they actually listen - contrary to popular opinion.

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